If you listen to late night talk radio, find a program that’s all about conspiracy theories, and ghosts and UFOs. What you’ll find is that there will be a lot of religion mixed in with it all. There’s a reason that the belief in ghosts—a completely religious concept—goes hand and hand with people who think that reptiles from space are running our planet behind closed doors. This is because people who are taught the literal version of the bible and all of the absurd stories therein, are susceptible to believe anything you tell them. Religion and deep rooted conspiracy theories are one in the same. They are presented as fact by those who believe them, and are followed blindly by people who have never questioned what their masters have told them, and wouldn’t even dream of doing so. This leads to apocalyptic cults, and even worse, AM radio.
In his book Selling Fear: Conspiracy Theories and End Times Paranoia, Gregory Camp makes many fantastic connections to what starts as either a conspiracy theory and ends up being apocalyptic beliefs and paranoia. Such has been the case of so many cults in
Well, let’s look at the most widely accepted end-time theory of them all. The book of Revelations, which was allegedly the end-times prophecy of John the Baptists, was the apocalyptic prophecy of the New Testament. This book is filled with tales of the devil walking the earth and opening seven seals, unleashing plagues and deaths not ever seen in the history of the world; Angels play trumpets in the sky to the riding sound of the four-horsemen who ride amid the smoke rising from the battlefield of earth; Giant locusts fly in the sky, spewing fire upon the people of the earth, until the seventh seal is broken, and a child is born without a soul. After this, Jesus will descend to the Earth and take his children home to heaven, just like at the end of the Apple.
This may seem pretty out there and nonsensical to many of us, but it is widely accepted by church going Christians in
Before reaching too far into the brains of end-times conspiracy theorists, let’s take a trip into the minds of religionists. Oh wait, how can we do one without the other? End-times cults are almost always based on religious apocalyptic theories and “prophecies.” And nobody can honestly say that they believe in the Holy Bible without being an end-times theorist. I guess that could be part of the reason that these two groups go hand in hand. The following is an exert from www.rustylime.com, which explains a study performed at the U of A by its philosophy professor, Professor Medved, and Dr. Burnam, which was heavily controversial, however, made great connections between conspiracy theories and religion.
A controversial and comprehensive two year long brain study from the
Professor of Philosophy, Medved, who coauthored the study with Dr. Burnam, says he got the idea for the study after watching the movie Zeitgeist and noticed similarities in the appeal of conspiracy theories and religious arguments. Previously, links between certain parts of the brain and religious experience have been shown, the study takes that outset to see if the same is true of conspiracy theory thinking. The study involved exposing the participants to religious and conspiracy theories and watching how their brain reacted. The results clearly showed that among those tending to believe in the theories, the activity in their Temporal Lobe was higher than their Frontal Lobe, while the opposite was true of those refuting it. Professor Medved explains, “[We] expected that result and were prepared for the further study to find applicable tools to address these brain malfunctions.
The group with Temporal Lobe dominance included three subgroups: those reacting to the religious theories, those reacting to the conspiracy theories, and those reacting to both, which suggests it “is a mix of cultural and physiological factors that control this behavior.
Education was also shown to have an outside correlation; the participants with a higher education were underrepresented in the Temporal Lobe dominance group.
Professor Medved and Dr. Burnam introduced two methods to alter the Temporal Lobe dominance. Medved’s method consisted a mental training program designed to strengthen the Frontal Lobe part of the brain in the fight for its dominance over the Temporal Lobe. Dr. Burnam’s method experimented with a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) similar to those used in antidepressant drugs like Prozac.
Both methods showed significant improvement for Frontal Lobe dominance with the SSRI indicating the best immediate results. The training program, however, boasted success over time, while the SSRI improvement dissolved after the drug treatment stopped. Gordon, one of the participants of the SSRI group, regretting taking part in the study said, “[We] were not told what this study was about, but it is clear to me that it is part of an Orwellian type of secret government program to control the people. Drug companies are aligned with them, and if we do not stop them, they will secretly drug all of us into submission.
Though the study has been heavily critiqued, it could not indicate significant future medical developments. Imagine a type of vaccine for religion. But it also raises the question of what a normal brain function is and how much should be done to engineer our brain’s process.
Dominance of the central lobe is an inhibitor in the evolution of civilization. Historically, man’s lack of knowledge has caused him to substitute with mythology, but that era has passed, and we must do out part in eradicating the backward mentality. [My] method shows that we can achieve this through education, but also indicates that many schools are failing us today. I find that some curriculum even enhance the central lobe dominance. We can create a future where people check the facts and base their opinion on them.
Within this study, the observations made a very compelling argument for the Theo-glitch. The dominance of the Central (Temporal) Lobe within those who tend to believe conspiracy theories and religious doctrines shows a clear connection between the two. At the same time, this shows that those who believe in religions and superstitions tend to be more susceptible to irrational influence later in life. The very essence of the Theo-glitch is the chronic lack of reasoning displayed by religionists. Also stated in the study that cultural factors contribute to the temporal dominance, or susceptibility of people, shows that even if the true nature of people is to be logical and understand the world around them through science, religious upbringings can offset frontal lobe dominance and inflict great strains on the human brain, causing great psychosis.
The back-bone of my Theo-glitch theory is much like that of Freud’s, who claimed that religion was nothing more than a glitch in the human psyche. That it is a physical and cerebral, not just inward psychological, issue that may effect people all of their lives, and cause them to believe more and more absurd theories as time goes on. This is directly because of religious upbringings, as I elaborate on more in the Theo-glitch chapter. But this illustrates the connection between the two, much like I’m about to do again.
Religion is exactly the same as conspiracy theory, in the sense that it’s a lie that is sold because it contains a small shred of truth to it. Much like Hitler said, “To sell a big lie you must first sell a small truth.” Religion does this by taking some historically factual times and inserting magic, dogma and creator gods to accompany them, thus giving the believers historical fact to fall back on whenever science may prove otherwise to their theories. A great example of this is the ten plagues of
The same can be said for conspiracy theories. Small truths are used throughout history, such as the existence of secret societies or sects, to sell some greater lie of the goals of these secret societies, or the connection of world leaders to these sects and to their sinister ambitions. Here’s an example: It’s one thing to say that over the last fifty years, CIA operatives have assassinated quite a few democratically elected leaders in third world countries, because this is actually true and can be looked up pretty much anywhere and proven. However, what a conspiracy theorist will do is take that small fact and add to it a great lie, such as to say that the leaders who ordered these assassinations did so because these world leaders found underground tunnels beneath the white house to the secret lizard lair of US political figures, who are all merely lizard men from a nearby planet to seeded us here, and are just harvesting us for food and energy.
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